Friday 14 September 2012

teepee time...

here is a project that's not quite complete...but just couldn't resist posting it for the abyss to see...
has been a really easy, satisfying creation...going to add a window and shutting ties, plus a few more adorning features me think...
teepee take one
choc cookie lips reading his book in new favorite cubby...

quite happy...
would love to hear some feed back, so post some comments!...

Tuesday 11 September 2012

more creations coming...

well i haven't piked on you abyss...just been trying to cope with flu and motherly duties...x2 more creations on the go, will try and have at least one more posted by end of week...

Friday 31 August 2012

Wednesday 29 August 2012

crochet days

well here it first post of my creations
not to sure what to take a look..
vase holder or just a little bag...

 crocheted much fun

crochet hanger...multiple uses...planting, flower arranging, odd bits...

a cluster of these in various colours, hung at different lengths would look great indoors or out...

Monday 27 August 2012

the beginning of creating... i go...

in the next few days i'll start with the first post of my creations. oddly enough this is actually a difficult process for me, as i love to create and know i have skills and passion for whatever i put my hands to...but, i just hardly ever complete something i start. so...i'm hoping and i know that putting my creations out there to the abyss, might actually push me to where i know...deep down, i'm capable to be.

so watch to see what happens...