Friday 31 August 2012

Wednesday 29 August 2012

crochet days

well here it first post of my creations
not to sure what to take a look..
vase holder or just a little bag...

 crocheted much fun

crochet hanger...multiple uses...planting, flower arranging, odd bits...

a cluster of these in various colours, hung at different lengths would look great indoors or out...

Monday 27 August 2012

the beginning of creating... i go...

in the next few days i'll start with the first post of my creations. oddly enough this is actually a difficult process for me, as i love to create and know i have skills and passion for whatever i put my hands to...but, i just hardly ever complete something i start. so...i'm hoping and i know that putting my creations out there to the abyss, might actually push me to where i know...deep down, i'm capable to be.

so watch to see what happens...